For The Book, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani" by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim - In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Outline For Glossary Index For Glossary
Aalim (A) - A learned person. Aalimeens (A) - The unique ones who have realized the fathomless depths of the oceans of the heart. They are referred to as Swamis. Aanadam (T) - bliss. Aatham (A) - Our Father, Adam, Eeswaran, Eeswara Deiyo, Siva. Aathi (T) - The beginning, The Primal, The Primordial, Ancient. Aathi Aatham (A,T) - The Primal Adam. Aathi Eeswaran (T) - God, the Primal. Aathi Muham (T) - The Countenance of the Primal One. Aathi Param (T) - The Primal Ultimate One. Aathi Sivam (T) - The Primal Hindu God. Aavi Muhammad (A,T) - The "Life Muhammad", The Spirit of Muhammad. Abans (A,T) - Evil Qualities. Ablutions (A) - Ceremonial washing of various parts of a person's body (in preparation for prayers). Adam's Peak (A,T) - A mountain peak in Sri Lanka where Adam's foot print is said to be found, (which is said to have occurred when Adam (A.S.) was thrown out of heaven by God into hell, and where Adam (A.S.) first landed on the earth world. A place of devotion for all religions). Agnaanam (T) - One of the six chakras (plexus) that depict a level of wisdom,(that make up one of the six faces of Kandan. See Chapter 21, "The Six Faces". Also, see Aaru-Muham, Anaakatham, ). Ahaa (T) - An exclamatory word like "Oh" or "Ah! Aiyo (T) - An exclamatory word to denote stress. Alaihiwas Salaam (A) - Islamic reverential words meaning "Peace be upon Him". Alif (A) - The first letter in the Arabic alphabet, Represents Allah. Allah (A) - Arabic name for God. Allah's Rahmath (A) - The Benevolence of Allah. Allahu ta-aalah Nayan (A,T) - The Beautiful Undiminishing Master. The One who exists in all lives in a state of humility and exaltedness. Amaavaasai (T) - The new Moon on the first day of the lunar month. Anaakatham (T) - One of the six chakras (plexus) that depict a level of wisdom, (that make up one of the six faces of Kandan. See Chapter 21, "The Six Faces". Also, see Aaru-Muham, Agnaanam, ). Anthiraddi (T) - Funeral rites of the Hindus. Arakkan (T) - Lower human. Arsh (A) - The Throne of Allah (located on the top of the head of a human being, as the only place on man's body that can support the weight of God. Also the spot where the soul entered the body of man, and the spot where the soul will leave the body of man, when through wisdom man learns to close the nine impure openings in man - the two eyes, two ears, two openings of the nose, the mouth, and the two openings below - and to open the two pure openings in man, which are the two openings above the eyes - the kursi or seat of God on the forehead of man, and the arsh or Throne of God on the top of man's head). Aaru-Muham (T) - The six faces, the six levels of wisdom, the six levels of consciousness [in man, which have become degraded and separated in Manu-neesan or Man-the-low, and become divine and one as the six faces of clarity, the six wisdoms of Muhammad (Sal.) in Manu-eesan or Man-the-divine] Asura (T) - Demonic. Asura Guru (T) - Demonic Guru. [One of the Four Gurus who symbolize the four religions - the Asura Guru, the Guru of lust, the Guru of Intoxication, and the Gnana Guru. See Chapter 4, "The Four Guru", page 22, for a beautiful description by His Holiness of how these Four Gurus catch even the mahagnanis (the great learned men) in their net of arrogance, karma, and illusion, dragging them all eventually to hell]. Athaarith (T) - The planet Saturn (Saturday). [Also, one of the seven planets, the seven celestial beings that rule man through the seven openings in man's head, as long as man does not come to see God through his wisdom, and through his wisdom come to rule them. See Chapter 30, "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", for more on this, and see page 111, for a list of the seven planets, and the days of the week they each rule). Attar (A) - A kind of perfume. At Tarique (A) - A Quranic Stanza or Verse in the Holy Qur'an, called the "Night Visitant" or "The Morning Star". [His Holiness recommends that we recite this verse each night before we go to bed, and upon rising, to help cut the influence of the 5 elements on us. See Chapter 11, "The Prophet's (Sal.) advice to Hazrat Ali (Ral.)", for more on this verse. This child (Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen - Louie Beutler) has found reciting this verse in English to be especially helpful]. Ayaths (A) - Stanzas in the Holy Qur'an. Ayath Qurshi (A) - A Quranic Stanza in the Holy Qur'an, called "The Throne of Allah". (This verse is also strongly recommended by His Holiness, as the path of opening our innermost heart or Qalb, of opening the Qalb of Allah).
Chakras (T) - Plexus. [This concept of spiritual energy that flows around our body, and our ability to focus this energy, for our purposes, seems to be at the center of all of the eastern martial arts and of eastern medicine, but His Holiness teaches us that this is all false, and even worse, this is a complete misunderstanding of something that is at the very center of the path of God, for by focusing our "chi" on the "outside", as it is referred to in these eastern teachings, we only move further away from oneness with God. Instead, we need to "put a lid on it", we need to put the genie back into the bottle, not teach the genie to become more powerful. See Chapters 37, "The Kundalini Sakti", and Chapter 38 "The Closure of The Openings", for more on this problem]. Chandra Kalai (T) - The art of the moon breath (See Chapter 25, "Dhikr", for more on this topic). Chunam (T) - Liquidated powder of sea oyster shells. City of Mamakaram (T) - City of possessiveness (See Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" for more on this topic). City of Mamakara Mayajalam (T) - City of Magical Possessiveness (See Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" for more on this topic). City of Mayajalam (T) - City of Magical Possessiveness (See Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" for more on this topic). Coolie (T) - A petty laborer who does menial tasks.
Devandran (T) - King of the Devas or the Celestial Beings, Devanndra Deiyo in the Sinhala language, Angel Jibril in Arabic, Angel Gabrial (See Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation" for more on this topic). Devas (T) - The Celestial Beings, Spiritual Beings. Dharma (T) - Charity (See Chapter 15, "Charity" for more on this topic). Dhikr (A) - The subtle are of rising and lowering of the pranic currents associated with the in-going and out-going breaths (See Chapter 25, "Dhikr", for more on this topic). Dhurga (T) - An evil and aggressive force personified by a woman [See Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of woman)", for more on this topic]. Dua (A) - Supplication to Allah (His Holiness had us wear duas that He personally wrote and attached to a string, and then personally placed around our neck. He told us never to take them off even when we bathed) Durian (Malay) - Malay name for a tasty fruit with a pugnacious smell.
Eddi Tree (T) - A poisonous tree (See Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and the Brass Vessel", for more on this topic). Eeswari (T) - Eve, the wife of Adam, Hawwa in Arabic (See Chapter 35, "The Twenty-eight Arabic Alphabet In Man's Body", for more on this topic). Eeswaran (T) - Adam, Aatham, Eeswara Deiyo in Sinhala (See Chapter 35, "The Twenty-eight Arabic Alphabet In Man's Body", for more on this topic).
Fatiha (A) - The opening verse in the Holy Qur'an. Furkhan (A) - The Holy Qur'an; the Holy Scripture of the Muslims.
Gnaana Guru (T) - The wise Guru. Gnaana Kan (T) - The eye of greater wisdom. Gnaanam (T) - The fourth stage of spiritual ascendance. Gnaanis (T) - The Mystics, those who have gained divine luminous wisdom. Gnayiru (T) - Sun (see Chapter 30, "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", page 111, table of planets or grahas). Grahas (T) - Planets (see Chapter 30, "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", page 111, table of planets or grahas). Guru (T) - Teacher of wisdom. Gurunathar (T) - The master guru, master teacher.
Hafeez (A) - One who has committed the entire Qur'an to memory. Haqeekat (A) - The third stage of spiritual ascendance. Hawwa (A) - Eve, the wife of Adam (see also Eeswari, and see Chapter 35, "The Twenty-eight Arabic Alphabet In Man's Body", for more on this topic). Hikmat (A) - Hidden things.
Iblis (A) - Satan (see also Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation" for more on this topic). Ill Allaahu (A) - "You are Allah. There is nothing other than You" (see also Chapter 25, "Dhikr" for more on this topic). Illaram (T) - Domestic life [or married life as opposed to Thuvawaram or the life of the recluse. See Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of wives) for more on this topic). Israfil (A) - The third messenger of God in Christianity, Waaya Bahavaan in Tamil, Waaya Bahavaa Deiyo in Sinhala and in Japanese (see also Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation", for more on this topic). Izra'il (A) - Angel of death, Yama Maharajah in Tamil, Yama Deiyo in Sinhala and Japanese.
Jaffna (T) - The provincial capital city of North Sri Lanka (and where His Holiness lived for many years, had an ashram, built "God's House", and provided for the physical and spiritual needs of many people in that area). Jailani (A) - Shrine of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jailani (may God be pleased with Him), found at Balangoda, a town in Sri Lanka. Jawwaathu (A) - Seed with a fragrant scent. Jeeva (T) - The life force in man. Jibril (A) - Angel Gabrial, Devandran in Tamil, Devandran Deiyo in Sinhala and Japanese. Jinn (A) - Genie, Fairy, created out of fire. Jumma (A) - Friday congregational prayer of the Muslims in the Mosques [His Holiness teaches us that Jumma is a poor man's Hajj, the last of the traditional five duties of a Muslim (i.e., faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and hajj), which he can fulfill each week by attending the Jumma prayer in the Mosque on Friday].
Kaali (T) - An aggressive evil force in the form of a woman. Kaama (T) - Lust. Kalai (T) - Art. Kalam (A) - Pen. Kalimah (A) - The pronouncement of an Article of Faith in Islam (see Chapter 25, "Dhikr", for more on this topic). Kamru (A) - Moon (Monday) [see Chapter 31, "The Twenty-eight Alphabets In Man's Body", page 111, table of planet, for more on this topic]. Kandan (T) - One of the six faces of wisdom (Aaru Muham) [see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", for more on this topic]. Kandampan (T) - One of the six faces of wisdom (Aaru Muham) [also, same note as for "Kandan" above]. Kandashasti (T) - Hindu invocation to Lord Skanda. Karbalaa (A) - A location between Mecca and Baghdad (see also Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation", for more on this topic). Karma (T) - fate, destiny (see the book by His Holiness, "The Golden Words of a Sufi Shaikh", Golden Words Saying Number 222, and 225, for a beautiful explanation of the difference between false charity (Karma) and true charity (Dharma), which is living our life as one with God. See also Chapter 15, "Charity", for more on this topic). Karma Yoga (T) - Spiritual meditation with physical expression to ward off the evil effects of Fate. Karmic (T) - Destined. Kasthuri (T) - Musk. Kataragama (O) - A jungle village in South Sri Lanka sacred to all religions (see Part III, at end of book, "The Shaikh's Travels In Serendib", page 139, for more on this topic). Katham (A) - Kind of perfume. Katpaham (T) - The celestial tree of the divine realm (see the book by His Holiness, "A Mystical Journey", Chapter 1, "The Shepherd and The Tree" for more on this topic). Khaff (A) - Demon. Kirada Moustache (A) - Whiskers (see Chapter 5, "The Physical Features of Man, and Their Significance", page 30, under "Moustache", for more on this topic). Kiriyai (T) - The second stage of spiritual ascendance (see Chapter 14, "The Four Stages of Spiritual Development", for more on this topic). Kovil (T) - A Hindu Temple. Krosha (T) - Animosity. Kumkumappu (T) - Spanish saffron. Kundalini Sakthi (T) - The spiritual serpent power of traversing the mystic circle of the human body (see Chapter 37, "The Kundalini Sakthi", and Chapter 38, "The Closure of The Openings", for more on this topic. Also, see the term "Chakras" in this glossary). Kursh (A) - State of purity.
Laam (A) - A letter in the Arabic alphabet. It represents "Noor", the Light of Muhammad (see Chapter 24, "The Fistful of Earth", for more on this topic. Also, His Holiness teaches us about the Triple Flame of God - Alif, Laam, Meem - as the story of True Man within the story of God, of the journey of the Noor Muhammad becoming Allah Muhammad, of the Triple Flame coming to maturity as True Man, and by revealing God within it, by telling the story of God within the story of True Man, becoming One with God, becoming the Oneness of God and True Man). Lah-hu (A) - A tablet in heaven on which the destinies of all lives are written (until, His Holiness teaches us, we hand our tablet back to God, by refusing to exist as separate from God, then God destroys our tablet, our destiny, which is our life separate from God, and reveals His destiny, which is our life as one with God, which is True Man within God, and God within True Man, which is the Oneness of God and True Man). La illaaha (A) - "There is nothing other than You, O Allah" (see Chapter 25, "Dhikr", for more on this topic). Lakshmi (T) - The consort of Vishnu, and the goddess of prosperity in Hinduism. Lakshmikaram (T) - Prosperity. Letchimi (T) - The Hindu goddess of prosperity (see Chapter 35, "An Encounter With Theiwaanai and Letchimi", and Chapter 40, "Theiwaanai Revisited", for more on this topic). Lobha (T) - Miserliness (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one. Spelled "Lopam" in this context). Lord of Manomani (T) - Lord of the Hindu goddess Parvathi, consort of Lord Siva. Lord Skanda (T) - A Hindu god. Louhill (A) - One of the divine tablets (see "Lah-hu" in this glossary). Luhr (A) - Mid-day prayer time of the Muslims.
Maachariam (T) - Envy (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one. Spelled "Machariyam" in this context). Mahagnaanis (T) - The great mystics (see Chapter 4, "The Four Gurus", top of page 23, for more on this topic). Maharajah (T) - King of Kings, Emperor, Great King. Maharifat (A) - The fourth stage of spiritual ascendance (see Chapter 14, "The Four Stages of Spiritual Development", for more on this topic). Mahatmahas (T) - High souls. Mah-hu (A) - A tablet in heaven on which the destinies of all lives are written (until, His Holiness teaches us, we hand our tablet back to God, by refusing to exist as separate from God, then God destroys our tablet, our destiny, which is our life as separate from God and His life as separate from us, and reveals His destiny, which is our life as one with Him and His life as one with us, which is True Man within God and God within True Man, which is the Oneness of God and True Man. See also the terms "Lah-hu", "Louhill", and "Mouhill" in this glossary). Malkoon (A) - Demon. Mamakaaram (T) - Betraying possessiveness (see Chapter 20, "Body, Trick, and Danger" or "Desire for Earth, Woman, and Gold", page 71, as one of the three tricky characters, that protect the single body in whatever way the body should be protected, doing so with great care and planning, believing the body is indestructable, but being left in the end with only danger). Manaiyaddi (T) - Shaker of the home (see Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of wives), for a beautiful description of the second type of wife that is of the fire sign, and is evil charactered). Manaiyal (T) - Ruler of the home (see Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of wives), for a beautiful description of the first type of wife that is of the earth sign, who is the best of wives). Manimadam (T) - Palace of pearls. Manipooram (T) - One of the six chakras that depict a level of wisdom (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one). Manthra (T) - Magical word. Manthric (T) - Magical. Manu-eesan (T) - Man-the-divine (see Chapter 15, "Charity", Chapter 22, "Faith and Determination", Chapter 26, "The Allegory of The Ship", Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation", Chapter 28, "The Tree In The Desert", Chapter 29, "The Lotus Pond", Chapter 30, "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", Chapter 32, "Allahu tallah Nayan's Instruction to Muhammad", and Chapter 36, "The Creation of Manu-eesan" for more on this topic). Manu-neesan (T) - Man-the-low (see Chapter listed above for Manu-eesan, Man-the-divine, for more on the topic of Manu-neesan, Man-the-low). Matham (T) - Bigotry (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one). Masthan (T) - A devotee on the path of God. Maya (T) - Delusion, torpor (see Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of wives) for more on this topic). Meem (A) - A letter in the Arabic alphabet, which represents Muhammad (Sal.) (see Chapter 24, "The Fistful of Earth", for more on this topic. Also, His Holiness teaches us about the Triple Flame of God - Alif, Laam, Meem - as the story of True Man within the story of God, of the journey of the Noor Muhammad becoming Allah Muhammad, of the Triple Flame coming to maturity as True Man, and by revealing God within it, by telling the story of God within the story of True Man, becoming One with God, becoming the Oneness of God and True Man). Meignaanam (T) - The true wisdom. Meignaani (T) - The true wise Guru, saint. Mika'il (A) - Angel Michael, Varna Bahavaan in Tamil, Varna Bahavaa Deiyo in Sinhala. Mirrnik (A) - Jupiter (Thursday) [see Chapter 31, "The Twenty-eight Alphabets In Man's Body", page 111, table of planet, for more on this topic]. Mokha (T) - Lust, greed. Moksha (T) - Salvation, reaching the ultimate reality. Moolaatharam (T) - One of the six chakras that depict a level of wisdom. Space between the rectum and the root of the genitals (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one). Moobarakath (A) - The blessings of the Three Worlds (awwal, dunya, and akhirah, or the world of souls, this world, and the hereafter). Moothevi (T) - The goddess of misfortune. Mouhill (A) - A tablet in heaven on which the destinies of all lives are written (until, His Holiness teaches us, we hand our tablet back to God, by refusing to exist as separate from God, then God destroys our tablet, our destiny, which is our life as separate from God and His life as separate from us, and reveals His destiny, which is our life as one with Him and His life as one with us, which is True Man within God and God within True Man, which is the Oneness of God and True Man. See also the terms "Lah-hu", "Louhill", and "Mah-hu" in this glossary). Muham (T) - Face, countenance. Munees (A) - Ascetics. Murugan (T) - One of the six wisdoms (Aaru Muham) ) [see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", for more on this topic]. Mushthari (A) - Mercury (Wednesday) [see Chapter 31, "The Twenty-eight Alphabets In Man's Body", page 111, table of planet, for more on this topic].
Naalihai (T) - A period of 24 minutes. Nabis (A) - Prophets. Nadarajah (T) - A Hindu deity. Nalla Thanni (T) - Good water, pure water. Naseef (A) - Fate, destiny. Nathan (T) - Leader. Noon (A) - The eye (a dot in the Arabic alphabet).
(more to come)
End of Glossary ..............................
For The Book, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani" by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim - In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Outline For Glossary Index For Glossary
Aalim (A) - A learned person. Aalimeens (A) - The unique ones who have realized the fathomless depths of the oceans of the heart. They are referred to as Swamis. Aanadam (T) - bliss. Aatham (A) - Our Father, Adam, Eeswaran, Eeswara Deiyo, Siva. Aathi (T) - The beginning, The Primal, The Primordial, Ancient. Aathi Aatham (A,T) - The Primal Adam. Aathi Eeswaran (T) - God, the Primal. Aathi Muham (T) - The Countenance of the Primal One. Aathi Param (T) - The Primal Ultimate One. Aathi Sivam (T) - The Primal Hindu God. Aavi Muhammad (A,T) - The "Life Muhammad", The Spirit of Muhammad. Abans (A,T) - Evil Qualities. Ablutions (A) - Ceremonial washing of various parts of a person's body (in preparation for prayers). Adam's Peak (A,T) - A mountain peak in Sri Lanka where Adam's foot print is said to be found, (which is said to have occurred when Adam (A.S.) was thrown out of heaven by God into hell, and where Adam (A.S.) first landed on the earth world. A place of devotion for all religions). Agnaanam (T) - One of the six chakras (plexus) that depict a level of wisdom,(that make up one of the six faces of Kandan. See Chapter 21, "The Six Faces". Also, see Aaru-Muham, Anaakatham, ). Ahaa (T) - An exclamatory word like "Oh" or "Ah! Aiyo (T) - An exclamatory word to denote stress. Alaihiwas Salaam (A) - Islamic reverential words meaning "Peace be upon Him". Alif (A) - The first letter in the Arabic alphabet, Represents Allah. Allah (A) - Arabic name for God. Allah's Rahmath (A) - The Benevolence of Allah. Allahu ta-aalah Nayan (A,T) - The Beautiful Undiminishing Master. The One who exists in all lives in a state of humility and exaltedness. Amaavaasai (T) - The new Moon on the first day of the lunar month. Anaakatham (T) - One of the six chakras (plexus) that depict a level of wisdom, (that make up one of the six faces of Kandan. See Chapter 21, "The Six Faces". Also, see Aaru-Muham, Agnaanam, ). Anthiraddi (T) - Funeral rites of the Hindus. Arakkan (T) - Lower human. Arsh (A) - The Throne of Allah (located on the top of the head of a human being, as the only place on man's body that can support the weight of God. Also the spot where the soul entered the body of man, and the spot where the soul will leave the body of man, when through wisdom man learns to close the nine impure openings in man - the two eyes, two ears, two openings of the nose, the mouth, and the two openings below - and to open the two pure openings in man, which are the two openings above the eyes - the kursi or seat of God on the forehead of man, and the arsh or Throne of God on the top of man's head). Aaru-Muham (T) - The six faces, the six levels of wisdom, the six levels of consciousness [in man, which have become degraded and separated in Manu-neesan or Man-the-low, and become divine and one as the six faces of clarity, the six wisdoms of Muhammad (Sal.) in Manu-eesan or Man-the-divine] Asura (T) - Demonic. Asura Guru (T) - Demonic Guru. [One of the Four Gurus who symbolize the four religions - the Asura Guru, the Guru of lust, the Guru of Intoxication, and the Gnana Guru. See Chapter 4, "The Four Guru", page 22, for a beautiful description by His Holiness of how these Four Gurus catch even the mahagnanis (the great learned men) in their net of arrogance, karma, and illusion, dragging them all eventually to hell]. Athaarith (T) - The planet Saturn (Saturday). [Also, one of the seven planets, the seven celestial beings that rule man through the seven openings in man's head, as long as man does not come to see God through his wisdom, and through his wisdom come to rule them. See Chapter 30, "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", for more on this, and see page 111, for a list of the seven planets, and the days of the week they each rule). Attar (A) - A kind of perfume. At Tarique (A) - A Quranic Stanza or Verse in the Holy Qur'an, called the "Night Visitant" or "The Morning Star". [His Holiness recommends that we recite this verse each night before we go to bed, and upon rising, to help cut the influence of the 5 elements on us. See Chapter 11, "The Prophet's (Sal.) advice to Hazrat Ali (Ral.)", for more on this verse. This child (Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen - Louie Beutler) has found reciting this verse in English to be especially helpful]. Ayaths (A) - Stanzas in the Holy Qur'an. Ayath Qurshi (A) - A Quranic Stanza in the Holy Qur'an, called "The Throne of Allah". (This verse is also strongly recommended by His Holiness, as the path of opening our innermost heart or Qalb, of opening the Qalb of Allah).
Chakras (T) - Plexus. [This concept of spiritual energy that flows around our body, and our ability to focus this energy, for our purposes, seems to be at the center of all of the eastern martial arts and of eastern medicine, but His Holiness teaches us that this is all false, and even worse, this is a complete misunderstanding of something that is at the very center of the path of God, for by focusing our "chi" on the "outside", as it is referred to in these eastern teachings, we only move further away from oneness with God. Instead, we need to "put a lid on it", we need to put the genie back into the bottle, not teach the genie to become more powerful. See Chapters 37, "The Kundalini Sakti", and Chapter 38 "The Closure of The Openings", for more on this problem]. Chandra Kalai (T) - The art of the moon breath (See Chapter 25, "Dhikr", for more on this topic). Chunam (T) - Liquidated powder of sea oyster shells. City of Mamakaram (T) - City of possessiveness (See Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" for more on this topic). City of Mamakara Mayajalam (T) - City of Magical Possessiveness (See Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" for more on this topic). City of Mayajalam (T) - City of Magical Possessiveness (See Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and The Brass Vessel" for more on this topic). Coolie (T) - A petty laborer who does menial tasks.
Devandran (T) - King of the Devas or the Celestial Beings, Devanndra Deiyo in the Sinhala language, Angel Jibril in Arabic, Angel Gabrial (See Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation" for more on this topic). Devas (T) - The Celestial Beings, Spiritual Beings. Dharma (T) - Charity (See Chapter 15, "Charity" for more on this topic). Dhikr (A) - The subtle are of rising and lowering of the pranic currents associated with the in-going and out-going breaths (See Chapter 25, "Dhikr", for more on this topic). Dhurga (T) - An evil and aggressive force personified by a woman [See Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of woman)", for more on this topic]. Dua (A) - Supplication to Allah (His Holiness had us wear duas that He personally wrote and attached to a string, and then personally placed around our neck. He told us never to take them off even when we bathed) Durian (Malay) - Malay name for a tasty fruit with a pugnacious smell.
Eddi Tree (T) - A poisonous tree (See Chapter 17, "The Earthen Pot and the Brass Vessel", for more on this topic). Eeswari (T) - Eve, the wife of Adam, Hawwa in Arabic (See Chapter 35, "The Twenty-eight Arabic Alphabet In Man's Body", for more on this topic). Eeswaran (T) - Adam, Aatham, Eeswara Deiyo in Sinhala (See Chapter 35, "The Twenty-eight Arabic Alphabet In Man's Body", for more on this topic).
Fatiha (A) - The opening verse in the Holy Qur'an. Furkhan (A) - The Holy Qur'an; the Holy Scripture of the Muslims.
Gnaana Guru (T) - The wise Guru. Gnaana Kan (T) - The eye of greater wisdom. Gnaanam (T) - The fourth stage of spiritual ascendance. Gnaanis (T) - The Mystics, those who have gained divine luminous wisdom. Gnayiru (T) - Sun (see Chapter 30, "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", page 111, table of planets or grahas). Grahas (T) - Planets (see Chapter 30, "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", page 111, table of planets or grahas). Guru (T) - Teacher of wisdom. Gurunathar (T) - The master guru, master teacher.
Hafeez (A) - One who has committed the entire Qur'an to memory. Haqeekat (A) - The third stage of spiritual ascendance. Hawwa (A) - Eve, the wife of Adam (see also Eeswari, and see Chapter 35, "The Twenty-eight Arabic Alphabet In Man's Body", for more on this topic). Hikmat (A) - Hidden things.
Iblis (A) - Satan (see also Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation" for more on this topic). Ill Allaahu (A) - "You are Allah. There is nothing other than You" (see also Chapter 25, "Dhikr" for more on this topic). Illaram (T) - Domestic life [or married life as opposed to Thuvawaram or the life of the recluse. See Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of wives) for more on this topic). Israfil (A) - The third messenger of God in Christianity, Waaya Bahavaan in Tamil, Waaya Bahavaa Deiyo in Sinhala and in Japanese (see also Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation", for more on this topic). Izra'il (A) - Angel of death, Yama Maharajah in Tamil, Yama Deiyo in Sinhala and Japanese.
Jaffna (T) - The provincial capital city of North Sri Lanka (and where His Holiness lived for many years, had an ashram, built "God's House", and provided for the physical and spiritual needs of many people in that area). Jailani (A) - Shrine of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jailani (may God be pleased with Him), found at Balangoda, a town in Sri Lanka. Jawwaathu (A) - Seed with a fragrant scent. Jeeva (T) - The life force in man. Jibril (A) - Angel Gabrial, Devandran in Tamil, Devandran Deiyo in Sinhala and Japanese. Jinn (A) - Genie, Fairy, created out of fire. Jumma (A) - Friday congregational prayer of the Muslims in the Mosques [His Holiness teaches us that Jumma is a poor man's Hajj, the last of the traditional five duties of a Muslim (i.e., faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and hajj), which he can fulfill each week by attending the Jumma prayer in the Mosque on Friday].
Kaali (T) - An aggressive evil force in the form of a woman. Kaama (T) - Lust. Kalai (T) - Art. Kalam (A) - Pen. Kalimah (A) - The pronouncement of an Article of Faith in Islam (see Chapter 25, "Dhikr", for more on this topic). Kamru (A) - Moon (Monday) [see Chapter 31, "The Twenty-eight Alphabets In Man's Body", page 111, table of planet, for more on this topic]. Kandan (T) - One of the six faces of wisdom (Aaru Muham) [see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", for more on this topic]. Kandampan (T) - One of the six faces of wisdom (Aaru Muham) [also, same note as for "Kandan" above]. Kandashasti (T) - Hindu invocation to Lord Skanda. Karbalaa (A) - A location between Mecca and Baghdad (see also Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation", for more on this topic). Karma (T) - fate, destiny (see the book by His Holiness, "The Golden Words of a Sufi Shaikh", Golden Words Saying Number 222, and 225, for a beautiful explanation of the difference between false charity (Karma) and true charity (Dharma), which is living our life as one with God. See also Chapter 15, "Charity", for more on this topic). Karma Yoga (T) - Spiritual meditation with physical expression to ward off the evil effects of Fate. Karmic (T) - Destined. Kasthuri (T) - Musk. Kataragama (O) - A jungle village in South Sri Lanka sacred to all religions (see Part III, at end of book, "The Shaikh's Travels In Serendib", page 139, for more on this topic). Katham (A) - Kind of perfume. Katpaham (T) - The celestial tree of the divine realm (see the book by His Holiness, "A Mystical Journey", Chapter 1, "The Shepherd and The Tree" for more on this topic). Khaff (A) - Demon. Kirada Moustache (A) - Whiskers (see Chapter 5, "The Physical Features of Man, and Their Significance", page 30, under "Moustache", for more on this topic). Kiriyai (T) - The second stage of spiritual ascendance (see Chapter 14, "The Four Stages of Spiritual Development", for more on this topic). Kovil (T) - A Hindu Temple. Krosha (T) - Animosity. Kumkumappu (T) - Spanish saffron. Kundalini Sakthi (T) - The spiritual serpent power of traversing the mystic circle of the human body (see Chapter 37, "The Kundalini Sakthi", and Chapter 38, "The Closure of The Openings", for more on this topic. Also, see the term "Chakras" in this glossary). Kursh (A) - State of purity.
Laam (A) - A letter in the Arabic alphabet. It represents "Noor", the Light of Muhammad (see Chapter 24, "The Fistful of Earth", for more on this topic. Also, His Holiness teaches us about the Triple Flame of God - Alif, Laam, Meem - as the story of True Man within the story of God, of the journey of the Noor Muhammad becoming Allah Muhammad, of the Triple Flame coming to maturity as True Man, and by revealing God within it, by telling the story of God within the story of True Man, becoming One with God, becoming the Oneness of God and True Man). Lah-hu (A) - A tablet in heaven on which the destinies of all lives are written (until, His Holiness teaches us, we hand our tablet back to God, by refusing to exist as separate from God, then God destroys our tablet, our destiny, which is our life separate from God, and reveals His destiny, which is our life as one with God, which is True Man within God, and God within True Man, which is the Oneness of God and True Man). La illaaha (A) - "There is nothing other than You, O Allah" (see Chapter 25, "Dhikr", for more on this topic). Lakshmi (T) - The consort of Vishnu, and the goddess of prosperity in Hinduism. Lakshmikaram (T) - Prosperity. Letchimi (T) - The Hindu goddess of prosperity (see Chapter 35, "An Encounter With Theiwaanai and Letchimi", and Chapter 40, "Theiwaanai Revisited", for more on this topic). Lobha (T) - Miserliness (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one. Spelled "Lopam" in this context). Lord of Manomani (T) - Lord of the Hindu goddess Parvathi, consort of Lord Siva. Lord Skanda (T) - A Hindu god. Louhill (A) - One of the divine tablets (see "Lah-hu" in this glossary). Luhr (A) - Mid-day prayer time of the Muslims.
Maachariam (T) - Envy (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one. Spelled "Machariyam" in this context). Mahagnaanis (T) - The great mystics (see Chapter 4, "The Four Gurus", top of page 23, for more on this topic). Maharajah (T) - King of Kings, Emperor, Great King. Maharifat (A) - The fourth stage of spiritual ascendance (see Chapter 14, "The Four Stages of Spiritual Development", for more on this topic). Mahatmahas (T) - High souls. Mah-hu (A) - A tablet in heaven on which the destinies of all lives are written (until, His Holiness teaches us, we hand our tablet back to God, by refusing to exist as separate from God, then God destroys our tablet, our destiny, which is our life as separate from God and His life as separate from us, and reveals His destiny, which is our life as one with Him and His life as one with us, which is True Man within God and God within True Man, which is the Oneness of God and True Man. See also the terms "Lah-hu", "Louhill", and "Mouhill" in this glossary). Malkoon (A) - Demon. Mamakaaram (T) - Betraying possessiveness (see Chapter 20, "Body, Trick, and Danger" or "Desire for Earth, Woman, and Gold", page 71, as one of the three tricky characters, that protect the single body in whatever way the body should be protected, doing so with great care and planning, believing the body is indestructable, but being left in the end with only danger). Manaiyaddi (T) - Shaker of the home (see Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of wives), for a beautiful description of the second type of wife that is of the fire sign, and is evil charactered). Manaiyal (T) - Ruler of the home (see Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of wives), for a beautiful description of the first type of wife that is of the earth sign, who is the best of wives). Manimadam (T) - Palace of pearls. Manipooram (T) - One of the six chakras that depict a level of wisdom (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one). Manthra (T) - Magical word. Manthric (T) - Magical. Manu-eesan (T) - Man-the-divine (see Chapter 15, "Charity", Chapter 22, "Faith and Determination", Chapter 26, "The Allegory of The Ship", Chapter 27, "The Story of Creation", Chapter 28, "The Tree In The Desert", Chapter 29, "The Lotus Pond", Chapter 30, "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", Chapter 32, "Allahu tallah Nayan's Instruction to Muhammad", and Chapter 36, "The Creation of Manu-eesan" for more on this topic). Manu-neesan (T) - Man-the-low (see Chapter listed above for Manu-eesan, Man-the-divine, for more on the topic of Manu-neesan, Man-the-low). Matham (T) - Bigotry (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one). Masthan (T) - A devotee on the path of God. Maya (T) - Delusion, torpor (see Chapter 1, "Signs of Spiritual Significance (the four types of wives) for more on this topic). Meem (A) - A letter in the Arabic alphabet, which represents Muhammad (Sal.) (see Chapter 24, "The Fistful of Earth", for more on this topic. Also, His Holiness teaches us about the Triple Flame of God - Alif, Laam, Meem - as the story of True Man within the story of God, of the journey of the Noor Muhammad becoming Allah Muhammad, of the Triple Flame coming to maturity as True Man, and by revealing God within it, by telling the story of God within the story of True Man, becoming One with God, becoming the Oneness of God and True Man). Meignaanam (T) - The true wisdom. Meignaani (T) - The true wise Guru, saint. Mika'il (A) - Angel Michael, Varna Bahavaan in Tamil, Varna Bahavaa Deiyo in Sinhala. Mirrnik (A) - Jupiter (Thursday) [see Chapter 31, "The Twenty-eight Alphabets In Man's Body", page 111, table of planet, for more on this topic]. Mokha (T) - Lust, greed. Moksha (T) - Salvation, reaching the ultimate reality. Moolaatharam (T) - One of the six chakras that depict a level of wisdom. Space between the rectum and the root of the genitals (see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", page 74, as one of the six chakras or plexus or deadly sins, that make up the six faced one). Moobarakath (A) - The blessings of the Three Worlds (awwal, dunya, and akhirah, or the world of souls, this world, and the hereafter). Moothevi (T) - The goddess of misfortune. Mouhill (A) - A tablet in heaven on which the destinies of all lives are written (until, His Holiness teaches us, we hand our tablet back to God, by refusing to exist as separate from God, then God destroys our tablet, our destiny, which is our life as separate from God and His life as separate from us, and reveals His destiny, which is our life as one with Him and His life as one with us, which is True Man within God and God within True Man, which is the Oneness of God and True Man. See also the terms "Lah-hu", "Louhill", and "Mah-hu" in this glossary). Muham (T) - Face, countenance. Munees (A) - Ascetics. Murugan (T) - One of the six wisdoms (Aaru Muham) ) [see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", for more on this topic]. Mushthari (A) - Mercury (Wednesday) [see Chapter 31, "The Twenty-eight Alphabets In Man's Body", page 111, table of planet, for more on this topic].
Naalihai (T) - A period of 24 minutes. Nabis (A) - Prophets. Nadarajah (T) - A Hindu deity. Nalla Thanni (T) - Good water, pure water. Naseef (A) - Fate, destiny. Nathan (T) - Leader. Noon (A) - The eye (a dot in the Arabic alphabet).
(more to come)
End of Glossary ..............................
This page was last updated on: December 27, 2001