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The Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library
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The Pearl of Wisdom
"Wisdom Study Version"
by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyadddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)
Chapter 07
- Wisdom Study Version -
- A Wisdom Review -
of "Chapter 07"
"Twitches In The Various Parts of Man's Body,
and Their Significance"
Go To "Wisdom Outline" - For "Chapter 07"
- "A Wisdom Review" of "Chapter 07" -
Wisdom Points - Taken From This Discourse
01. Wisdom Point 01 - about removing our fear of the world through understanding
By experiencing a twitch in your body before something happens, as predicted by this discourse, and through it knowing the significance of a twitch that occurs, one can attribute the occurrence to the twitch, not to the world, thus removing any fear we might have about the world, since what we experience in the world is coming from something else, not from the world, is coming from our fate as reflected in the twitches in the different parts of our body, and because of this, is of no concern to one on the path of God.
--- In Process ---
"The End"
of "The Wisdom Review" of
Chapter 07,
Within The Book
"The Pearl of Wisdom"