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The Pearl of Wisdom
"Wisdom Study Version"
by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyadddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)
- Wisdom Study Version -
Body, Trick and Danger
( Kaayam, Upaayam, Apaayam )
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Go To: "Wisdom Review" of "Original Version" of "Chapter 20"
- Wisdom Outline of Chapter 20 -
"The Wisdom Outline"
of “Original Version”
of Chapter 20
02. First Is "The Knowledge" of "The House" of "The Body - That Is, "The Knowledge" of "The Trick", That Is, "The Knowledge" of "The Woman", That Is, "The Knowledge" That Develops "The House" of "The Body", and that is for sure.
03. Second Is "The Knowledge" of "The Danger" To "The House" of "The Body" - That is, of "The Knowledge" of "The Danger" To "The House" of "The Body", That Must Be Avoided At All Cost, Even At "The Cost" of Eternally Losing God, of Eternally Losing "Oneness With" God, and that is for sure.
04. Know "The End" of "The False Life" of "Body, Trick and Danger" - That Is, Know "The End" of "The False Life" On "The Illusory Outside" of You, of Desire For "Earth, Women and Gold", All of Which In Truth Is An "Eternal Elemental Life", Within "Your Mind" Within You, As "Separate From" God Within You, and that is for sure.
"The End"
of "The Wisdom Outline"
Body of Document:
01. The "Three Kinds" of Knowledge - of “Body, Trick and Danger", That Is, of Desire For “Land (Earth), Women and Gold”, and that is for sure.
His Holiness Teaches His Children:
O my son, The Body, The Trick (thanthric devices) and Danger, are Three Kinds of Knowledge.
They protect "The single body" in whatever way "The Body" should be protected. They do so with great care and planning. They consider "The Body" as indestructible.
"These Trickiest Characters" lock "The spring".
They look with pride upon the world, fame, children, lust, sex, beauty, enhancement of looks, dance and music.
02. First Is "The Knowledge" of "The House" of "The Body - That Is, "The Knowledge" of "The Trick", That Is, "The Knowledge" of "The Woman", That Develops "The House" of "The Body", and that is for sure.
These Thanthric devices (These Tricks, This Woman), blocks "The Spring", blocks the breath, sing songs, searches the jungles, And Develops "The House" of "The Body".
This Tricky Character is carefully employed to acquire things, accumulate and keep them.
They call it bliss and think it so.
03. Second Is "The Knowledge" of "The Danger" To "The House" of "The Body" - That is, of "The Danger" To "The House" of "The Body", That Must Be Avoided At All Cost, Even At "The Cost" of Eternally Losing "Oneness With" God, and that is for sure.
Next is "The Knowledge" of" Danger" to "The house" of "The body".
"The Knowledge" of "The Thanthric Devices" (ot "The Tricks") searches through cunning , tricks, black-magic, deceit, possessiveness (mamakaram), arrogance, keeping something inside, another outside, one in the heart, another on the lips, with falsehood, backbiting, one in the eye, another in the mind, and with many kinds of dancing, singing,
And saying
with sickness and disease.
04. Know "The End" of "The False Life" of "Body, Trick and Danger" - That Is, "The End" of "The False Life" On "The Illusory Outside" of You of Desire For "Earth, Women and Gold", All of Which In Truth Is An "Eternal Elemental Life", Within "Your Mind" Within You, As "Separate From" God Within You, and that is for sure.
God’s angry glance (That Is, "The Justice of God", That "Whatever You Intend Is What You Will Receive) falls on such a dangerous person.
He wanders about having lost everything including the two characters ( body and trick ) and all that had been acquired.
He realises it is time to know God and to know Him only through wisdom within wisdom.
He unsteadily calls out to his father, to his mother, to his relatives and to God, mentioning the names at random.
He finally recalls the danger and yells,
“Aah !”
The three characters, body, trick and danger give birth to Maya and tricks. Having accumulated dangerous things through deception, they leave them behind, shouting repeatedly in an alarming voice,
“wife, child, husband, man, woman”.
They leave behind all the things they had collected on earth saying,
“No good!
There is nothing in this world!
My life did not experience any good!
Here is danger! There is danger !
There is danger every where!”
With such a noise will be his end.
05. The Guru's Graceful Explanation - That Is, of Grace, Wisdom, And 'Ilm
(Divine Knowledge), and that is for sure.
Did you listen, O disciples, gems of my eyes to "The Fearful Wonders" acquired by these three characters? ,
Know this. Their names are land (earth), woman and gold. These are the three characters.
There are yet several other meanings.
Learn about "The mystery of Danger" with a little keenness. O disciples, gems of my eyes, these are not simple matters.
Divide them into participle by participle, and realize it in an incisive manner.
Everyone says that "The Desire" for land (earth), woman and gold is evil.
It is very easy to say this, but very difficult to avoid them. Know this.
Look for "A Mature Guru", and if you perform your duty with complete grace, and obey him, you will be able to get rid of danger, O disciples, gems of my eyes.
Go To "Wisdom Study Versions":
Go To: "Wisdom Review" of "Original Version" of "Chapter 20"